
Apex Launcher

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In the case of tabs, the launcher offers smart categorization. You need to select the tab category, and the launcher will automatically add apps into it. Do not forget to change the text file to read-only so as not to allow the game to change back to default everytime you play the game. Below are […]


Computer Keeps Crashing While Playing Games

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The conclusion involves the fight stick the commercial is for. Near the end, the famous player Gootecks says “Pog Champions” to the camera. This would later become basis for “Pogchamp” and later “Pog”. Used as a response to a “close call” in a video game; often employed on streaming sites. Rumors had been in the […]


¿qué Es Un Proxy, Para Qué Sirve, Cómo Funciona?

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Las características son las mismas que en otros, como ocultar tu IP, mantener tu privacidad, navegar de forma anónima, ver webs con alta velocidad, etc. Lleva funcionando desde el 2013, y su principal ventaja es que no tienes que pagar por él. También permite probar restricciones de red, reglas de firewall y software de seguridad, […]